Selling During Financial Crisis: Five Tips That Will Get Your Home Sold In No Time

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If you're in the process of selling a home, you know just how time consuming it can be. Throw in a negatively-impacted market, and you now feel as if selling your home will never happen. Below are five tips that will help you to sell your home, even in times of financial crisis.

Tip #1: Make Your Home Easily Accessible

While it's a good idea to have scheduled open houses, it's important that your home is show ready within a moment's notice.

The availability of your home can be a huge factor in sales. If interested buyers are left waiting too long for a viewing, their interests may drift elsewhere. It's also important to keep in mind that interested buyers may not be available for a showing during normal business hours, so there needs to be a lot of flexibility on your part.

Tip #2: Price Competitively, but Price to Sell

When coming up with a price, consider the market value of the homes in your area. Price your home too high, and you could be waiting years to sell. Price it too low, however, and there could be some unintended consequences.

A common pricing strategy is to price the home below similar homes in the area with the hopes of starting a bidding war between potential buyers. The problem arises, however, when buyers see that initial price and are reluctant to go any higher. When a home is priced below comparable homes in the area, buyers may believe there is something inherently wrong with it, even if nothing is disclosed. Talk to experts like Cates Auction for more information.

Tip #3: Increase Your Home's Curb Appeal

Do you feel as if your home isn't getting as many viewings as it should be? A common issue in real estate sales is that of curb appeal. Your home could be the most immaculately staged home in the market, but without the proper hook, no one will bite.  

A few relatively cheap and easy solutions to this problem include: a fresh coat of paint on the front door and shutters, outdoor lighting that lines your walkways and adds an inviting feel to the front yard, and adding simple potted plants to the front yard and porch.

Tip #4: Hire a Professional House Stager

When potential buyers are viewing your home, you want to be sure they can see themselves living there. A professional house stager can help you to achieve this goal.

A home stager offers a fresh, detached opinion on what buyers want to see in a home. They can help you to highlight your home's best features and downplay the ones you'd rather not showcase. While the initial cost of a stager may seem overwhelming, the time they'll save you can be invaluable.

Tip #5: Bring In a Home Inspector Before Putting Your Home on the Market

While most buyers will provide their own inspectors before finalizing the sale, it's a good idea to know what issues may come up and which ones should be handled ahead of time so as to avoid selling issues.

If you're on a timeline, ask the inspector which issues are the most pressing, as well as the ones  that will take the least amount of time to address. The inspection will also enable you to price your home accordingly so you can get the most out of the sale.

Selling your home during a financial crisis can be daunting, but it's not impossible. By following the five tips outlined above, you'll be well on your way to selling in no time. 
