Using Human Psychology To Sell Your Home Quickly

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Human psychology plays a big role in the process of buying and selling a home. When buyers come to your home for the first time, they being to try and picture themselves living there. Interestingly, you can use this aspect of human nature to your advantage while your home is on the market.

Here are some ways you can use psychology to help sell a home quickly and for the best price:

Remove All Cleaning Products 

Picture for a minute your potential buyers stepping into your immaculately cleaned kitchen. Sitting on your counter is a container of scouring powder and a giant club store bottle of dishwashing soap. Instead of noticing your beautiful hardwood floors and granite countertops, all your buyer is thinking about now is cleaning and washing a ton of dishes. Talk about a completed buzz-kill!

When you list your home for sale, move all of your cleaning supplies, vacuum, and anything else that represents "housework" to the garage. This will help give the impression that your home is always clean without any effort.

Staging Your Home for Perfection

All home buyers want to see themselves in their new perfect house, with their perfect children, doing perfect things, in their perfect life. You can help them to see that perfection in your home by:

  • placing fresh bouquets of flowers on all of your tables
  • placing fresh fruit on the counter
  • burning candles with a mild scent

While the bananas on your counter are typically brown and mushy, they need to be fresh and yellow when buyers come through your home. After all, you are selling them the vision of perfection, and perfect people do not have dead houseplants on their tables and rotting fruit on their counter.

Have All Windows Professionally Cleaned

Absolutely no one wants to buy a new home and have to clean all of its dirty windows. No one. To this end, you should have every single window in your home professionally cleaned before listing your home for sale. This will allow you to open up the blinds and let light inside, without you buyers cringing at the dust and dog nose marks on all of your windows.


Using these strategies based on human psychology will help you sell your property quickly and for a fair price. If you have any questions about how to help your potential buyers to see themselves living happily ever after in your home, then you should speak with your real estate professional.
