Tips For Working With A Home Inspector When You're Trying To Buy A Home Fast

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You might need to move as quickly as possible, so you might be in a hurry to find and purchase a home. You might have already found the home that you want to purchase, and you could be wondering what you can do to make the purchase as fast as possible since you could be concerned about someone else making an offer on the home. Things like home inspections might seem like they will get in the way of purchasing a home quickly, but the advice below should help you out if you're in this situation.

Know That the Inspection Is Still Needed

If you are in a hurry to purchase a home, you might be tempted to think that the home seems to be in pretty good condition and a home inspection is not needed. However, your mortgage lender might not allow you to do so, and purchasing a home without having a home inspection done can put you at risk. After all, you could end up buying a home that has problems that you don't know about if you don't have a proper home inspection done by a qualified professional.

Get in Contact With Them as Soon as Possible

Many home inspectors have busy schedules, so as soon as you know that you might be interested in buying a home, you may want to go ahead and call to schedule an appointment for a home inspection to help avoid any unnecessary delays.

Let the Seller Know You're in a Hurry

The seller might need to cooperate with the home inspector so that the inspection can be done. Let the seller know that you are in a hurry to buy. This can encourage them to work with the home inspector for scheduling purposes since they might be hoping to sell their home as quickly as possible anyway.

Turn in Paperwork Quickly

As mentioned above, your lender might require you to have a home inspection done before they will approve your mortgage loan. As soon as you receive paperwork from the home inspector, you should submit that paperwork to your lender, even if they have not asked for it yet. The sooner that you get this paperwork submitted, the better, since it can help you avoid future delays.

In some cases, people find themselves in a rush to purchase a home. If you have found yourself in this situation, then you might be looking for as much advice as possible about how you can speed up the process. By following the advice above, you can hopefully speed up the process of getting the home inspection done. Then, you can feel good knowing that you have had the proper inspection done, and you can hopefully have it done in a timely manner.
